Living Power Services

  • Family life & Marriage Seminars / Conferences
  • Premarital Counselling Ministry
  • Marriage Counselling



Family life & Marriage Seminars / Conferences


 A satisfying, enduring marriage is one key to a lifetime of happiness.  Love alone is not enough to produce a wonderful marriage.  Over time, all marriages evolve, pass through stages, and face challenges.

  • Everyone knows that successful marriages require commitment and work. But even these are not enough to ensure the marriage you want.
  • What can you do to make sure that your marriage will grow stronger over time? That life’s challenges will serve to temper its strength and deepen your intimacy?
  • The key to building a wonderful marriage is not a secret. But surprisingly few couples understand all, or even most, of the ingredients that make for success.  Do you know the stages that all marriages experience?  The key knowledge and skill areas that maximize long-term success in marriage?

A Marriage like motor vehicle needs regular service, and our marriage seminars and conferences are able to answer questions above and give your marriage a much needed service.

They are two kinds of seminars that we conduct

  • We have own seminars that we conduct, including our annual marriage conference.
  • As a supportive ministry, we support other churches and ministries by conducting family life seminars for them. If you’ll like to come to conduct family life seminars at your church or ministry, you can contact by sending email to: or see further details on our contacts page.


 Marriage Counselling


Married couples may face conflicts and differing expectations in their relationship, leading to marital stress and grow apart.

Do not wait until it is too late to go for help. Relationships do not fall apart overnight. The longer the problem stays, the more the relationship becomes strained.

Seek help early from a professional to work with you and your spouse on improving your marital relationship. Our counselling services can help you and your spouse to:

  • Understand the issues and conflicts in your marriage
  • Improve your marriage by working through the issues and reasons for conflict
  • Discover internal resources and strengths that could strengthen your marriage
  • Communicate and re-connect with your spouse
  • Regain the trust and commitment in your marriage


Premarital Counselling Ministry


If you are thinking about marriage or already engaged to be married, allow our Counselling Ministry to help you discover God’s amazing truths regarding marriage so that you are personally and spiritually prepared to make this very important lifelong commitment.

Premarital counselling is designed to:

  • Help you understand your past and family history and share it with your partner.
  • Understand the expectations you and your partner bring into the marriage. Provide a framework to ask challenging questions about your relationships and assist you in discerning God’s will.
  • Examine and discuss biblical truths to learn God’s principles of marriage.
  • Address issues for those who were previously married and/or have children.
  • Develop a spiritual discipline that will keep your marriage healthy in years to come.
  • Become confident and secure in your decision to marry (or perhaps not to marry).
  • Identify your strengths and weakness and much more.


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