You are not the real target
- Before we continue from where we left of last week I think we should go back to a portion of scripture that we have skipped and that’s in Exodus 14:6, 7 “So he (Pharoah) made his chariot ready and took his people with him; and he took six hundred select chariots, and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them.
- Egypt was the then world super power, it had the most powerful army and the best trained soldiers. The Bible says when Pharaoh realised that the children of Israel have left Egypt he decided to pursue them armed with the best weapons that Egypt had. This was overkill, how do you take the weapons of mass destruction to go and follow a people who have no army, nor weapons nor any military training. This does not make sense. Pharaoh new the capabilities of the children of Israel, he knew they were weak and were not going to be able to put up a challenge to him, therefore this military weapons could not have been brought to fight the children of Israel, they were directed to the God of the children of Israel. Pharaoh knew the power of this God and he was not about to take chances. Pharaoh had armed himself to fight the God of the children of Israel, the God who is the Great I am, the God who created the heavens and the earth.
- In the Christian journey, the enemy of our souls will contest every each of ground that we gain, as we make some spiritual progress the enemy will always be there to attack and try to find a way to discourage us. What we need to realise is that Pharaoh or the enemy has armed himself to attack and challenge our God; we are unsuited, untrained and unqualified to fight this battle. Since the enemy can’t go to heaven and fight God, he attacks God’s children so that in so doing he can hurt God.
- However, it does not matter what form the enemy might takes, it does not matter what tactics he might use, it does not matter what or who he might use to attacked you, it does not matter whether he attacks you at home, at church, in the street or at the work place, there is no need for you to take it personal, to be angry, to be depressed, to be discouraged or to retaliate. There is no need for you to “Show them who you are!”, No! No! No! You don’t matter in this battle, ‘Show them who Christ is!’ Remember the battle is not yours, it is the Lord’s and He says I will fight for you. Things will not be left as they are, there is no doubt that there will be a battle, there will be a fight, but will be battled and fought in your behalf. God says you are the apple of my eye, when the enemy touches you he must know that he is irritating God’s eye and there is no way that God will not notice it. This is why Jesus said to Saul (before he became Paul) “Why are you persecuting me?” God takes every attack on His children personal.
- You are not the real target, God is!