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Stand! Stand Still!


Stand where no man dare to take a stand

Stand where the mighty stagger and fall

Stand still, for you are in His presence


Stand when the standards fail

Stand when leaders falter and fall

Stand still, for He is still in control


Stand when the winds are bitter and frosty

Stand when friends desert you and forsake you

Stand still, for He sticketh closer than a brother


Stand when faced with the crimson red sea

Stand when surrounded by gigantic mountains

Stand still, and see the Lord’s deliverance


Stand on the rock when rockets attack

Stand on the promises of the great provider

Stand still, and know that He is God


Stand! Stand! Stand! Stay standing!

Until the mountains are moved!

Until clouds are rolled as a scroll!

Then, you shall see Him face to face!


By Mashudu JM Ravhengani




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